BMW 2 Series variants
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Body Type: Hatchback
Body Type: Hatchback

Finance representative example (PCP)

Total cash price £28,349. Borrowing £25,514 with a £2,835 deposit at a representative APR of 11.9%.

48 monthly payments
Fixed interest rate
Total amount payable
Cost of credit
Optional final payment
Purchase fee
Annual mileage limit
6000 miles

BMW 2 Series hatchback FAQs

BMW's performance in reliability surveys has improved in recent years so, with regular maintenance, you can expect many miles of hassle-free motoring from your 2 Series hatchback.

For extra peace of mind, consider adding an extended warranty to your purchase. This will protect you from the cost of unexpected mechanical or electrical failures.

BMW is a premium manufacturer so you should expect to budget a little more to keep your 2 Series hatchback in tip-top shape than you might for a car from a more mass-market brand.

That said, many of the 2 Series' mechanical parts are shared with several Mini models, so they shouldn't be quite as costly as replacements for more expensive BMW models further up the range.

Keeping on top of scheduled maintenance is much more cost effective than delaying or missing services. Gaps in your service record will harm your car's value when you come to sell it, and can lead to more serious failures down the line.